

LL-00011 Development of the water routes network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding the cross-border tourism product www.riverways.eu (WaterWays)

Project objective: Project objective is to develop the waterways network in Latvia and Lithuania by further expanding existing cross-border tourism product riverways.eu through designing of a network of lakes for recreational activities and rivers for kayaking in whole Programme area. Through cross-border cooperation, it will result with joint comprehensive information of water tourism based activities in lakes and rivers on www.riverways.eu, covering full customer journey. “Safe&Green” concept will facilitate safe and nature friendly tourism and decrease unexpected anthropogenic load on natures resources used for tourism, as well as contribute to more responsible and educated travellers’ society. 6 recreational sites near waters will be developed, contributing to the accessible nature resources for water-based activities.

Planned activities

  • Lake & river expeditions to collect to upload the accessed and qualifying recreational lakes & rivers on www.riverways.eu with GPS, photos, descriptions;
  • Introduction of a Safe&Green Concept through service providers to promote environmentally responsible behaviour during the water-based recreation near by lakes &rivers;
  • Improvement of access to water bodies: 4 in Kurzeme & 2 in Klaipeda region;
  • Marking of destinations with RIVERWAYS brand;
  • Events for tourism stakeholders – workshops on safety, environment, product development etc.;
  • Webpage upgrade & Branding of waterways network – RIVERWAYS symbol;
  • Travel Guide on lakes in Latvia & Lithuania.

Project lead partner:

Project partners:

Project duration

01.03.2024 – 28.02.2026

Project budget: Total projects size is 719 581,20 EUR. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 575 664,96 EUR. 

This information has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this information are the sole responsibility of Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
