
Number of sleeping places
4 - 100
12,5 - 15 €
Other entertaimnents
Winter holidays in Lithuania
Homestead "Dzukijos uoga" offers  winter attractions in Lithuania.  Winter vacations in Lithuanian countryside   villa  (movie) >> Vacation villa "Dzukijos uoga" in Druskininkai countryside   ( webpage) >> קוטג 'לחופשת קיץ בליטא עם ילדים Holiday rentals in Lithuania Facebook 
Program “Rye Bread Dumplings“
Activities: preparation for bread baking, getting acquainted with various bread baking tools, grinding of grain, kneading the bread dough, shaping the loaf of the bread, baking, bread dumplings cooking, tasting. Seasonality: all year round Educational activity is in Lithuanian (in Samogitian)
Sakralinė pirtis
Culinary heritage products
Activities: getting acquainted with Tatar dishes, their history, cooking, tasting feast. Duration of training: depends on the amount of people. The trainings are being held in Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, English, Turkish, Tatar. Seasonality: all year round.
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