
Number of sleeping places
10 - 60
From 9 €
Other entertaimnents
Lithuanian Mead
Activities: getting acquainted with the history of mead, drinks, dishes, production facilities, tasting. Duration: 1-1.5 hours Languages: Lithuanian, Russian and English. Seasonality: all year round. The mead educational and tasting programs include groups of visitors of at least 8 people not younger than 20 years old.
Žygis po pelkes
Buckwheat babka
„TASTING OF DISHES OF DZUKIJA AND EDUCATIONAL TRAINING“ (potato bun, buckwheat babka, buckwheat pancakes, mushroom soup, salted flitch of bacon) Activities: getting acquainted with dishes of Dzukija, their history, preparation of dishes (potato peeling, grating), kneading of dough, baking, tasting. Duration: 2 hours Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Polish. Seasonality: all year round.
Pirtininko paslaugos
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