“Various cuts”


Certified artisan for more than 20 years in the art of cutting paper. She also writes and implements various projects of national heritage – projects of paper cut art, leads educational activities, runs a paper cutting art circle at school and works with students.

The purpose of the educational program

To develop creativity, perception of beauty, nationality, patience. To cherish the national heritage – paper cutting art.

Activities: Participating in this education you will learn how to cut the tree of life, window curtains, spindles, birds, silhouette cuts, postcards, Christmas, Easter cuts, flowers and more. During the course, the craftswoman will show you how to use tools and materials properly, fold, draw, cut, glue and finish the work. The craftswoman will provide the supplies. Traditional craftswomen of paper cutting art can offer different educational programs.

Duration of education: 1 – 2 hours.

Number of participants: 10 – 20 persons.

Place: At your agreed place with the craftsman.

Seasonality: All year round.

Languages: Lithuanian.

Pre-registration required!

Traditional craftsman certificate no. 861, dated 14.06.2018.

Financed by the European Regional Development Fund