“Ceramics ABC”

Craftwork crafts

With a wholehearted love for clay, the artisan feels a sense of closeness and a desire to touch each item made from this material, to feel each and every year of its existence, which is why he began collecting pottery. For a long time, the craftsman not only took interest in and read literature on ancient pots throughout Lithuania, but also has begun collecting pottery, which he sought first in the old homesteads. The craftsman's desire to share with others inspired the accumulation of ancient pottery and the establishment of a museum so that everyone could admire the treasures left and follow the tradition and history of their nation. The craftsman's attitude is firm: “The village museum needs to be better than of the city to attract people to come here. No one will go here if the museum is the same as other museums...” Therefore, music is played in the educational class, and tea is taken during a moment of rest. Here people are invited to relax, discover a new hobby and socialize.

The purpose of the educational program

To acquaint with the history of ceramics, tools and techniques of ceramics, to feel the uniqueness of ceramics craft.

Activities: At the beginning of your education you will learn about the unique pottery collection at the artisan’s Pottery Museum, pottery tools and workshops. Later, you will observe the process of making pottery of the King of Lithuania –process of making of the boiling pot, pitcher, pot, bowl or bottle. You will then apply the theoretical knowledge you have learned about pottery making and decoration during your practice sessions – by making, moulding and decorating them yourself. During the session the theoretical and practical tasks are adapted according to the age and special needs of the participants.

Duration of education: 1,5 hours.

Number of participants: 5 – 30 persons.

Seasonality: all year round.

Languages: Lithuanian.

Pre-registration required!

Pottery craft certificate no. 00007, dated 29.05.2009.

Financed by the European Regional Development Fund